I recently had an email from Desney who is one of my avid readers on this blog. She is getting married very soon and wanted some natural skin care recipe suggestions to help with blackheads, pimples and cellulite. As these problems are quite common, I thought I would share my answer on this blog to help anyone else who may be suffering the same problems.
Hi Desney
Thanks for your email and your further questions for essential oil recipes that could help with your current skin problems as well as cellulite.
I have a couple of good recipes that can help with cellulite on my website, please find the links below:
Stimulating Bath Oil
English Ivy Body ScrubFor your blackheads and pimples I recommend the following recipes:
If you find this too harsh then try the following which may be better as you say your skin is fairly sensitive at the moment:
Cinnamon and Orange Facial Scrub
I would also recommend this deluxe facial oil to use at night time.
All the instructions and further information about each recipe are on the links I’ve provided above.
I hope these help and again I wish you all the best for your upcoming wedding.
Kind regards
If anyone else has any suggestions or ideas to help Desney out, please feel free to leave a comment below.
swallow’s nest in an edible gel form is supposed be good for the skin too. it gives that clear and pasty skin that we all love.
it’s mad expensive. my brother and i bought some for my mom for her birthday. it was like 400 bucks for like a 6-8 oz jar. Luckily we finally found the one of popular brand online (hongkong-bird-nest.50webs.com/index_e.htm and http://www.euyansang.com/)
dad said it’s really popular in indonesia. that a guy has to climb a high mountain to get the nest. that’s why it’s so expensive.
i mean why doesn’t the dude just look for the fabled korean swallow king, capture it and let it lay eggs full of gold! then, he wouldn’t have to work so hard and climb them high mountains.
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