Here’s a handful of the best natural skin care recipes that have been on this website for a while and may have got lost amongst all the pages that we have now.
I’ve chosen these natural skin care recipes to showcase as these are the ones I’ve had most the emails and comments about in the past few years so I know they are the most popular. They’re not in any particular order so just click on which ever one sings out to you and go ahead and give it a try – or more than one!
If you have a favorite on your own, leave a comment in the box below.
This is not a comment but a question if anyone has some answers.
I have been diigently searching for an upper lip wrinkle product that will produce some sort of difference. I have tried all of the over the counter items, with no visible sign of doing anything.
Thank you
Hi Kip
There are some aromatherapy recipes on this website that I recommend. The Anti wrinkle cream is the one I would try first. The Reduce wrinkles eye cream on the upper lip area as it is gentle yet can be very effective for this part of your face too. Finally, you could also try the Rich Rosebud Moisturizer is quite a rich cream so this would help the wrinkles too.
I hope that helps!