In this aromatherapy book, ‘Aromatherapy In Your Diet’ by Daniele Ryan you will discover the therapeutic benefits of everyday foods. This book contains many recipes, menu suggestions and food ideas so you can enjoy the health benefits of aromatherapy without using essential oils.
Daniele lists over 100 beneficial foods, which can have immediate healing effects. These range from herbs like thyme, sage, rosemary and mint to fruits, nuts, vegetables, seeds and cheeses. As well as giving the nutritional breakdown of each food, she describes its therapeutic uses and suggests delicious ways of including it in your cooking.
‘Aromatherapy In Your Diet’ also includes a section which looks at the 12 systems of the body and how to maintain the health of each of these systems.
An excellent purchase for anyone interested in aromatherapy and in improving their health through their diet.
Eating these foods delivers their unique healing and health-giving properties straight into your body where they can begin to work immediately.
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