Concentration can often be lacking when we need it most. You may be studying for an important exam, maybe you have an urgent project to complete at work, or perhaps you just can’t seem to focus on special task. The following concentration essential oil blends will help you to focus more on the job at hand and give you more clarity of thought.
About Aromatherapy Diffusers
- 1 drops Cyprus
- 2 drops Cedarwood
- 2 drops Lemon
- 1 drops Pine
- 2 drops Fennel
- 3 drops Juniper
- 3 drops Lemongrass
Be alert
- 2 drops Eucalyptus
- 3 drops Rosemary
- 3 drops Tangerine
- 2 drop Basil
- 4 drop Bergamot
- 1 drops Clove
- 2 drops Ginger
Clear your head
- 2 drops Bay
- 3 drops Ginger
- 2 drops Rosemary
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