Essential oils are the odorant chemicals extracted from plants. Aromatic plants grow in great numbers but not all of them yield enough essential oil to make it worthwhile to go through the extraction process. Some of them also have a very toxic effect and therefore cannot be used for therapeutic purposes in the practice of aromatherapy. When one asks what is an essential oil, it is useful to think about… Continue Reading
Essential Oils
Guide to Essential Oil Notes O-Y
The final guide for essential oil notes is available today and covers the essential oil notes from O-Y. The previous guides can be found at guide to essential oil notes A-E and guide to essential oil notes F-N. These guides can help when blending many essential oil recipes including for natural skin care, aromatherapy body scrub recipes and bath and body recipes.
Guide to Essential Oil Notes F-N
Following on from yesterday’s guide to essential oil notes A-E, today we have the guide to essential oil notes F-N. You can use these guides to help with blending your essential oil recipes. Not only for aromatherapy diffuser blends but it’s also handy for making aromatherapy perfume recipes. Don’t forget, you can find out more about blending essential oils here.
Guide to Essential Oil Notes A-E
Here’s a useful guide to essential oil notes which can help when making your aromatherapy essential oil blends. This first guide is for essential oils A-E, the rest will follow soon. Ideally, essential oil blends should contain all three notes as this can create harmony within the blend. Once you’re arms with this knowledge, you can get creative and start making your own blends from your favorite essential oils. You… Continue Reading
Essential Oil Extraction
Steam distillation is by far the most common form of essential oil extraction but there are other methods including enfleurage, expression, maceration and solvent extraction. The method used depends on the part of the plant the essential oil is to be extracted from. For example, the delicate flower petals of roses, jasmine and neroli often requires enfleurage and sometimes maceration or solvent extraction. Expression is often used for the rind… Continue Reading
7 best essential oils for your hair type
Due to the popularity of the previous post ‘5 best essential oils for your skin type‘ this post now discusses the 7 best essential oils for your hair type. Like skin types, there are also many different hair types and using the best essential oils recommended for each, is a great way to treat your hair. Many of the commercial hair care products on the market use chemicals that can… Continue Reading
5 best essential oils for your skin type
Using essential oils for natural skin care is a great way to enhance your beauty regime. The tiny molecules in essential oils can penetrate the layers of your skin, acting quickly to improve circulation, eliminate signs of aging and improve the overall condition of your skin. There are many different skin types and for each one there are specific essential oils recommended. Below is a list of the most common… Continue Reading
Essential Oil Properties
Essential oils have many and varied properties and often these terms can be quite confusing. For example what does Analgesic mean? Or terms such as Bechic, Febrifuge, Sudorific? Well Analgesic means to remove pain and essential oils such as Lavender, Peppermint and Rosemary are known to have Analgesic properties. Bechic means to ease coughing and the essential oils with this property include Benzoin, Ginger and Sandalwood. The term Febrifuge refers… Continue Reading