Botanical name: Melaleuca Quinquinerva / Veridiflora
Botanical family: Myrtaceae
Note: Top
Part of plant used: Leaves and sometimes branches
Origin: New Caledonia and Australia. Is very similar to the Cajuput tree.
Description: Smells similar to Eucalyptus, penetrating, cleansing aroma
History: Also known as Gomenol – from Kaala-Gomen in New Caledonia. Gomenol is also the name given to the sap of the Niaouli tree, long since known to treat head colds
Properties and Indications:
- Highly sudorific – promotes sweating
- Works on the lungs and the whole respiratory system
- Increases leukocytes activity and tends to circulate blood around the body
- Stimulates tissue activity (regenerative of tissues), works deeply on helping mitosis
- Well tolerated by the mucous membrane so is a good essential oil for children
- Natural antibiotic which can be used alongside medical antibiotics as it acts as a support (use as an inhalation or in a massage blend)
- Gynecology – vaginal infections and internal inflammations and infections, urethra infections, cystitis and other discharges
- Eczema, carbuncles
- Rheumatism
- Helps get rid of colds and flu (rub neat on glands around the neck)
- If inhaled too much or taken internally can be emetic (cause vomiting)
- Cajuput, Coriander, Fennel, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Myrtle, Pine, Rosemary, Thyme
- Very powerful to disinfect the air by distillation
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