Botanical name: Cupressus Sempervirens
Botanical family: Coniferae
Note: Base
Part of plant used: Leaves, young stems
Origin: A tall conical shaped tree common to the Mediterranean region.
Description: Woody, slightly spicy yet clear and refreshing.
History: Traditionally the tree of graveyards, good wind breakers. ‘Life of the Dead’. the wood has an amazing amount of chemicals making the wood practically incorruptible – used for coffins. the Greeks used it with Myrrh in wine because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
Properties and Indications:
- Powerful haemostatic
- One of the most powerful vasoconstrictors, wonderful astringent
- Strong anti-spasmodic – for tickley coughs
- Whooping cough
- Pectoral
- Anti-sudorific
- For people who hold a lot of water retention with poor circulation
- Varicose veins, hemorrhoids – will not cure but is a good support and could prevent operating to remove
- Dysmenorrhoea
- Menopause problems – womb tissue degeneration, not flushes
- Ulcers and sores
- Arthritis
- Hemorrhoids
- Anti-fungal
- Urinary complaints
- Grounding holiday feeling
- Calming and soothing
- Earthy
- Do not use for kidney disorders
- Avoid if taking testosterone (after mastectomy or hysterectomy)
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