Botanical name: Cinnamomum Verum / Zeylanicum
Botanical family: Lauraceae
Note: Base
Part of plant used: Leaves
Origin: The cinnamon tree is native to Indonesia but is also found in Sri Lanka, the East Indies, Antilles, Java, and Madagascar.
Description: Sharp, musky & spicy.
History: One of the ancient spices used for embalming. Cinnamon was traded between India, Egypt and Chine over 4,000 years ago.
Properties and Indications:
- Highly antiseptic
- Febrifuge – used in the Far East as a beverage to bring down fever
- One of the best preventatives and protective’s against diseases and epidemics
- Combats virus’s and flues – good for fumigating
- Wet, damp, mucousy chest
- Blood purifier
- Encourages lymph stimulation
- Cardiotonic – strengthening, not stimulating
- Thermoregulator – good for menopause
- Emmenagogue
- Aches and pains of the muscular system
- Helps clear excessive toxins and wastes
- Carminative
- Constipation
- For people who lack fire and are cold, empty and hollow inside
- If lacking goals or guts
- Promotes a gentle fire in the belly
- Not to be used in pregnancy as it can bring on contractions
- Cinnamon is a powerful skin irritant
- Cardamom, Clove, Coriander, Cumin, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender, Nutmeg, Orange, Pine, Rosemary, Thyme.
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